Tuesday, July 21, 2009

i forgot to repost my bulletin.

oh well.

check a few entries back to see it. it still stands. i feel like i am getting closer to my personally set (mounted, nailed, and 'fussed with') finish line ribbon. but in case my feet lose momentum or, god forbid, someone sticks their foot out in front of me again and trips me, i need to keep it in mind.
there is always an escape route.
but its up to the escapee to make it easily accessible. and for me, this is about as extreme and easy as i can make it.

and yes, there are times when i look at you and know that even if things stayed at the pace they are for the next few months i would still put my plan aside just to wait things out, i guess. but i'm on eggshells more than i am solid ground. and until that changes...

this is not to say i am not happy with how things are. because i am. overwhelmingly so. but we both know i really don't live in the moment... i live for the future. and the haunting fact that i am not where i hoped i would be right now with you has cause a little dysfunction in my brain. especially after... well... you know.

click your heels twice and think of me.


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